All posts by Frode

About Frode

I'm the singer in Rebolt and do most of the work when it comes to PR and the web. I also write most of the lyrics and contribute to the songwriting, as much as a vocalist without any instrumental skills to talk about can do that.

On a break

It’s official: Rebolt are taking a break until Kristian’s hearing is better. We will however continue to make music together and Bård, Knut Eirik and myself may even try playing some gigs under another name, mainly doing covers. Just to maintain the musical chemistry and maybe even make some bucks for an album. Because that’s the plan and the goal of the whole Rebolt experience: To make an album.

Remember: Buy our EP or our t-shirts and keep checking back on!


Hearing problems: Kristian must take a break

Our drummer Kristian has been having serious trouble with his hearing for a couple of years now, and it is a sad drummer that has informed the rest of us that he has to take a break from drumming. For at least six months. His hearing has gone from bad to worse lately and he’s become very afraid of the consequences. The mental stress of something like this is very hard to cope with, and it is especially hard for a guy like Kristian who lives for his drumming.

We haven’t spoken of the future of the band yet, so I’m not sure if we will use a substitute for Kristian, but personally I don’t think so. But the band will not stop here, it is way too important for us! Hopefully we will be back with Kristian one day.

Will write more when I know more.

Live coverage

Not much is written about our live performances, but we’ve found two in norwegian:

“….Rebolt, derimot, er nok et band med bratt vekstkurve. Hver gang denne anmelder hører dem, har de lagt en alen til sitt stykke, og så også denne gangen. Selv for en som for lengst er ferdig som heavyfan, er det artig å se en høyenergisk vokalist som Frode Jørum. Den mannen kan mer enn å styre Kroa i Bø. De andre i bandet, Kristian Dale på trommer, Knut Eirik Hult på bass og gitarist Bård Haatveit Johansen ligger på ingen måte etter….”
Telemarksavisa, 17.07.2005

“Kartfestivalen pågikk over tre dager, der to av dagene var stappet fulle med konserter. På fredagen ble hele kvelden satt i gang av det lokale bandet Rebolt. De leverte en bra konsert med karismatiske Frode Jørum i spissen. Neste band ut, X-Queen of the astronauts. Energiske ungutter, jentene så ut til å like meget godt. Sist ut var El Caco, kanskje det bandet de fleste hadde møtt opp for å få med seg denne kvelden. Tre mandige menn som fikk både jentene og guttene til å vise entusiasme….De har en utrolig fyldig tung sound og hvem digger vel ikke lyden av norsk rock/metal når det kommer susende på en så smakelig måte. El Caco var absolutt verdt å få med seg denne fine fredagen.”, 23.07.2006

Hits Out Of HiT now for sale

The compilation “Hits Out Of HiT” is now for sale through The CD contains the two new songs “SAM (Stargirl And Me)” and “Lemmy’s Heart” (well, new…), as well as several other songs by these bands: Dr. Chet (rock), Al Jazeera (hard rock), Gate 04 (rock/pop), Pretrad, Grove Horn and Aqeyo (all folk music).

We only have 150 copies of it and if you want to buy one (price 100 NOK including shipping), send us a mail @ and include your addresse.

PS! Folks in Telemark: Also for sale in the the bar @ Kroa i Bø.


Rebolt will be playing a couple of songs at the kick off for the Motstøy festival on 11th of August @ Tarantella (PS! Moved from Stua), Notodden. We’ll be doing that to try to get a slot at the festival on the 5th or 6th of October. Our time will be between 19.35 and 19.50. Show up and show support!

Rehearsing and writing

We’ve been rehearsing a little bit lately and we’ve actually made a new song called “Walking On Wire”. The first ever song that Knut Eirik has done almost all of the lyrics to and also came up with the musical idea. It has a nice groove to it (of course) and it is turning out great  (as you would expect). Hopefully there will be more to come.